星期二, 11月 06, 2012

MSI - 千平方吋

Posted in [Tape, Foam & Flexible Material Converting] - Posted @ 4/21/2009 7:31 PM By TapeBlog Admin

How do you calculate MSI for a roll of flexible material and what does it have to do with the price?

It is quite simple to convert your measurements into MSIs. Just remember one MSI is equal to one thousand square inches and its easiest to work backwards!

Lets say you material is 9.75 inches wide by 5000 feet long. 

•The first step is converting all your measurements into inches.
(5000 feet X 12 (inches/foot) = 60,000 inches)
•Then multiply your width by your length to get square inches
(60,000 inches X 9.75 inches = 585,000 square inches)
•Finally, divide square inches by 1,000 to get your MSI per roll value
(585,000 square inches / 1,000 = 585 MSI per roll)

Converters often quote prices in MSI and they do so by multiplying the number of MSI per roll by the resale price per MSI. In this case, if the price per MSI was $0.105, your price per roll would be $61.43. (585 MSI X $0.105 = $61.425 per roll)

1 Meter       = 39.37"
1 Meter sq. = 39.37" x 39.37"
1 Meter sq. = 1549.9969 inch sq.
1 Meter sq. = 1.5499 MSI
0.6452 M. sq. = 1 MSI