星期二, 10月 27, 2009
星期一, 8月 03, 2009
NAND Flash品牌廠商2009年第二季營收排名

就2009年第二季NAND Flash品牌廠商營收排行來看,Samsung營收為10億3千7百萬美元,市佔率為37.2%,維持第一;Toshiba營收為9億6千萬美元,以市 佔率34.5%排名第二;Hynix為第三名,營收2億8千8百萬美元,市佔率為10.3%;Micron為第四名,營收為2億3千6百萬美元; Intel列名第五,營收為1億9千3百萬美元;Numonyx居第六,營收為7千2百萬美元。
Samsung受惠於手機市場的庫存回補需求,第二季平均銷售價格上升,出貨量則小幅增加,使得Samsung的第二季營收增加為10億3千7百萬美元,較上一季成長38.3%QoQ ,市佔率則由上一季的36%增加至37.2%。
Toshiba第二季雖然仍維持較低的產能利用率,但在NAND Flash平均銷售價格上漲的幫助下,第二季營收增加為9億6千萬美元,較上一季成長29.7%Q0Q,第二季市佔率由上一季的35.5%小幅下滑到34.5%。
Micron & Intel陣營在第二季出貨量增加,但平均銷售價格較低情況下,Micron第二季營收為2億3千6百萬美元,較上一季成長18%QoQ,第二季的市佔率 為8.5%; Intel第二季營收為1億9千3百萬美元,較上一季成長24.5%QoQ,第二季的市佔率為6.9%。
星期四, 7月 23, 2009
發水 USB 手指
星期三, 7月 08, 2009
USB 手指用的晶片
FLASH 就是 NAND FLASH CHIPS (閃存芯片), 一般說手指的容量就是指這些芯片的容量, USB 手指價格主要受芯片價格影響, 芯片價格好像股票市場一樣, 有價格升跌及遠期合約價格, 大品牌的廠商都會看時價來購買存貨, 亦因如此手指的價格有時加有時減。
香港市面見到的USB手指品牌, Kingston, Toshiba, Transcend, A-DATA, hp......等, 而NAND FLASH 芯片的牌子, 有 Samsung(三星), Hynix(現代), Micron(鎂光), Intel(英特爾), Toshiba(東芝).....等, 除了以上的芯片牌子, 市場上還有稱為"黑片"的東西, 這些芯片沒牌子, 沒保用, 沒有質量保証, 芯片來源可能是山寨廠, 可能是從舊產品拆出來等, 其實那些有名的大牌子都會用以上幾個廠的芯片, 但那個牌子用那一間廠的芯片?會不會用"黑片"?不知道, 因為芯片係海鮮價, 總之手指的品牌代理提供售後服務就好了, 因為通常都是一換一的。
曾經聽到客戶埋怨, 以往跟別的禮品公司訂購過的USB手指, 有部份不能使用, 相信這些就是用上"黑片", 但其實"黑片"的價格跟有品牌的芯片價格相差是幾蚊, 但通常訂購手指做禮品都不會是訂購一兩支, 所以有些禮品公司在單價上報價便宜了幾蚊, 便容易吸引客戶落單, 因為禮品實際送到最終客戶手上, 即使有問題, 可要退回的機會應該不多。
星期四, 6月 25, 2009
【市場觀察】DDR2 1Gb eTT本週現貨價格上揚逾5%,唯成交反應清淡;季底效應與淡季因素,NAND Flash價格呈現部份持平與部分回軟的走勢
DDR2 1Gb eTT本週現貨價格上揚逾5%,唯成交反應清淡
DDR2 1Gb eTT現貨價格自5月11日的高點1.34美元一路下滑至6月12日的低點1.04美元,跌幅將近22%,6月初開始跌勢加快,兩週間下跌近13%,甚至 逼近了一美元的信心關卡,隨著本周海力士與南科傳出合約價格將繼續上漲,現貨顆粒價格翻揚至1.09美元均價,至今上漲約5%左右,但價漲量跌。
現貨市場方面,四月份現貨顆粒主要供應者力晶與爾必達由於暫緩出貨至現貨市場中,現貨顆粒供應吃緊讓五月中旬價格攀升至短期高點1.34美元,但 由於其它DRAM廠商趁機釋出手上庫存並開始低價銷售,讓現貨顆粒價格上攻1.5美元功敗垂成,六月初力晶與爾必達亦棄守鎖貨策略,開始出貨至模塊廠與經 銷商,價格急轉直下至1.04美元,本週現貨顆粒價格雖然反彈向上,但買盤持續觀望,成交量無法放大,DRAMeXchange預估近期現貨顆粒的價格將 會在1.0-1.2美元區間內盤整。
在合約市場方面,自四月開始起漲,DDR2 800Mhz 2GB的合約價格自17美元均價上漲至六月上旬21.5美元,漲幅約26%,但隨著現貨顆粒不斷走跌與部份PC OEM廠商看淡下半年出貨,六月上旬的合約價漲幅收斂至4%-6%左右,對於六月下旬的DDR2合約價將難以維持強勢上漲格局,預估將呈現持平的價格走 勢,但值得注意的是DDR3合約價的走勢,隨著CULV的平台的轉進與PC OEM廠的平台轉進策略,對於DDR3顆粒的需求將愈日遽增,預期將帶動DDR3的合約價格持續上揚,擴大與DDR2的價差。
季底效應與淡季因素,NAND Flash價格呈現部份持平與部分回軟的走勢
自6月初以來NAND Flash市場處於相對穩定的狀況,就需求面來看,由於整體消費力道尚未恢復,使下游各項終端產品的銷售力道不如以往。
星期六, 6月 13, 2009
Travel Power Socket
AC-AC of no voltage conversion
USB Charger
Net Weight: 100g
Dimension: 65 x 55 x 50mm
星期一, 6月 01, 2009
Finishing Technical Terms
Coating: | 過油 |
Water Base Varnish | 水溶光油 |
Heat-seal Coating | 吸塑油 |
Matt Varnish | 啞油 |
UV Varnish | 紫外線光油 |
Lamination (Gloss/Matt) | 過膠 (光膠/啞膠) |
Calendaring | 磨光 |
Finishing: | 加工 |
Case Bound | 皮殼 |
Plastic Ring Binding | 活頁圈 |
Thread Sewn | 穿線 |
Limp Bound | 穿線膠裝 |
Perforation Line | 針線 |
Die-cutting | 啤/切 |
Spiral Binding | 蛇圈 |
Window Patching | 貼窗 |
Tuck-flat w/catalog lock | 郵包扣 |
Folding & Gluing | 摺盒/黏口 |
Flute Board Lamination | 裱坑紙 |
Card Board Lamination | 裱紙 |
Rigid Box Moulding | 槳糊盒 |
Notch Bound | 膠裝 |
Hot-stamping | 燙金 |
Perfect Binding | 磨脊膠裝 |
Debossing | 擊凹 |
Embossing | 擊凸 |
Saddle Wire Stitching | 騎馬釘 |
Wire-O Binding | 鐵圈 |
Others: | 其他 |
2 D-Ring | 2 個鐵圈 |
Auto Lock | 自動扣底 |
Back | 底/後 |
Base | 地蓋 |
Blister Tray | 吸塑罩 |
Brochure | 小冊子 |
Bundle | 象根紮 |
Chromalin | 跟色用相紙的品牌 |
Clamshell Packing | 蟹殼包裝 |
Coaster/Beer Mat | 杯墊 |
Cover | 書面 |
Cross-sell | 橫摺單張 |
Depth | 深度 |
Elastic/Rubber Band | 象根 |
End Paper | 襯紙 |
Eurohook | 飛機窿 |
Foam Padding | 海棉 |
Folding Leaflet | 摺張 |
Front | 面/前 |
Gripper | 牙口 |
Hot Melt Glue | 熱溶膠 |
Individual Shrink-wrap | 收縮包裝 |
Insert | 內咭 |
Lid | 天蓋 |
Ozalids | 藍紙 |
Plain | 冇色 |
Reverse Tuck Box | 反插盒 |
Ribbon Tying | 穿絲帶 |
Round Corner | 圓角 |
Scoring | 壓線 |
Sleeve | 外套/摺套 |
Spine | 脊 |
Stepping | 排版 |
Straight Tuck Box | 直插盒 |
Text | 內文 |
Top & Bottom Box | 天地蓋盒 |
Label Printing Glossary
- ADHESIVE TYPE There are many different variations of label adhesives relating mainly to climatic conditions, but the two main characteristics are "permanent" and "removable".
- BARCODE There are many types of specialized barcodes, but the most common in North America is the UPC-a barcode. It is a 12 digit code consisting of a single digit series number, five digit manufacturer code, a five digit product code and a check sum number that is created by the barcode software to confirm the code was produced correctly.BUTT CUT (see also DIE CUT) Refers to a process whereby a knife blade is used on the printing press to cut the labels to size. Butt cut labels have no space between them and have square corners. They also cannot have a
- FULL BLEED of ink other than a FLOOD COAT. Usually (but not always) butt cut labels are more economical than a comparitive die cut label. Butt cut labels are not commonly used with automatic labeling equipment.
- DIE CUT (see also BUTT CUT) Refers to the use of a die to cut the shape of the label. Die cut labels have a small space between them (usually 1/8"), making them ideal for automatic label application equipment. We have hundreds of dies on hand, so its likely we will have the size and shape of die needed. If a client requires a specific label size and/or a special shape not already in our die inventory, we will make a new die as required. There is additional cost for new dies.
- FLEXOGRAPHY This is the printing process used for most label printing. It uses a photopolymer printing plate that transfers the printed image directly onto the label stock. It prints onto a continuous roll of label stock (called a web) – finished labels are usually supplied in rolls.
- FLOOD COAT Refers to a full covering of ink applied to change the background colour of a label. It completely covers the label.
- FULL BLEED Refers to extra printed image extending beyond the die cut edge of the label – when the die finishes the edge of the label the image runs right off the label.
- LABEL STOCK Refers to the type of label material. The main types are: paper or plastic (either matte or gloss finish) metalized foil, and flourescent.
- LAMINATION a plastic film applied onto the printed label for protection and appearance.
- PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM An international standard means of selecting, communicating, and matching colours.
- PRESSURE SENSITIVE Refers to the label with an adhesive pre-applied to it. There is normally a non-stick liner protecting the adhesive – the label is peeled from the liner and applied either by hand or machine and is sensitive to pressure. Commonly called a "peel and stick" label.
- PROCESS PRINTING Printing using four colours (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) which in combination form nearly a full range of colours.
- REGISTER The fitting of two or more print colours in exact alignment with each other.
- SPOT COLOUR Printing two or more colours that normally don't overlap or combine. Used when label needs only a limited number of colours, eg. red and black.
星期三, 5月 27, 2009
5月下旬主流NAND Flash MLC合約均價小幅下跌2-6%
Published 2009-5-26
5月下旬NAND Flash合約價大致呈現持平,但部份主流MLC顆粒的合約均價小幅下跌2-6%,主要原因為部份供貨商在季底效應下,在5月中已開始進行部份高容量產品的促銷降價活動。
隨著2Q季底效應將近,部份NAND Flash供貨商自5月中起,已開始展開促銷活動以降低其庫存水位,尤其是採用新製程技術的高容量NAND Flash MLC顆粒在價格上,會比採用較成熟製程技術的低容量NAND Flash顆粒價格的優惠程度大,因此32Gb MLC合約價低點在5月下旬回檔的程度較其它NAND Flash顆粒來得明顯,同時部份供貨商在5月下旬仍然採取優先供貨給系統客戶的策略,因此在合約價格上仍採取穩定合約價的態度,以持續改善其獲利性,因 此32Gb MLC在5月下旬合約價的高點則呈現持平的狀況。
就需求面而言,5月到6月仍將處於NAND Flash終端應用產品如記憶卡及UFD等的需求淡季,部份下游客戶也希望供貨商能適度降價以利於他們能進行暑假的促銷活動,但部份供貨商的策略是要優先 改善其2Q09的獲利率,因此在價格上的態度仍傾向要維持6月份價格的穩定,近期買賣雙方對後市價格態度有所差異的情況,也已反應在近期現貨市場上,而呈 現多空拉距膠著的狀態,有鑑於短期內NAND Flash市場仍將處於買賣多空看法紛岐的市況,預期6月份的合約價將會呈現部份持平及部份回軟的現象。
星期三, 5月 13, 2009
NAND Flash廠商持續調整供貨策略,五月上旬合約價格上漲0-12%
4月中旬過後,NAND Flash上下游業者陸續公佈今年第一季的財報數字,上游供貨商多數處於虧損的狀態,但虧損的情況和去年第四季相比已有明顯的改善;下游的手機、數字相機 業者今年第一季的出貨量都面臨近年來QoQ和YoY表現最差的情況,然而按過去這些應用每年各季的出貨情況觀察,第二季的出貨量都會較第一季出現成長的情 況。我們預期NAND Flash各業者為了持續改善獲利狀況,09年第2季在上游節制供給產出的成長速率,和下游的需求逐漸改善的條件下,5月份供貨商仍將會採取穩定合約價的 態勢來持續改善其獲利性。
星期一, 4月 20, 2009
Apple Introduces NAND iShortage
The NAND flash memory supply may be headed for a bit of an early season drought thanks to Apple (AAPL). According to a new report from ThinkEquity Partners, Cupertino has bought up all of Samsung’s flash RAM inventory up to April 2009, presumably in preparation for an iPhone refresh. Samsung produces just over 40 percent of the world’s NAND Flash RAM, so we’re talking an awful lot of flash here–enough to cause part shortages and price increases across the entire RAM market. “Our checks indicate that Apple has started ordering for its iPhone refresh (iPhone and iPhone Nano), stifling the supply chain,” ThinkEquity analyst Vijay Rakesh told clients in a note. “We expect NAND spot and contract pricing to continue to trend up.”
Seems Apple’s not only reshaping the music and cellphone industries, but the memory industry as well.
DRAM、Flash 合約價喊漲
2009.04.15 03:16 am
根據集邦科技交易網站上的最新報價,DRAM主流規格DDR2 1GB ett(有效測試顆粒)現貨價,每顆價格回升至1.06美元、DDR2 512MB ett顆粒價亦站回0.46美元;三星Flash記憶體32GB MLC(多層單元規格)價格也分別漲到8.71美元,創近月新高。
【2009/04/15 經濟日報】 @ http://udn.com/